Dear Frazzled Friend
Dear Frazzled Friend,
Life is hectic. When is there not something going on? Your stomach flops and your head spins thinking about your to-do list. Take a deep breath. Tackle one task at a time.
You’ve lived how many years? And you haven’t dropped the ball yet. Or maybe you have, and you’ve realized, even so, life goes on. You survived, and you will again.
Take time for yourself. There will always be things on the to-do list. It doesn’t have to be something big. It can be something small. 20 minutes to read a book. A cup of your favorite hot tea. Snuggle time with your puppy.
Tasks that seem vital today will be forgotten tomorrow, moved aside for the new demands of life. Your mind can trick you into thinking this one thing is the most important thing in the world. Your world will come crashing down if you don’t accomplish it on time. Perfectly.
But it won’t.
Do your best. Embrace the mistakes. Rested imperfection trumps exhausted precision. That one thing, or those many things, will get done. Will they have your best effort? They’ll have the best effort you can afford. And friend, that’s ok.
Richard Simoneau
Jen. You’re advice is just what I needed. I also shared it with my loved ones. God bless you.
Thank you so much for sharing, Richard! I’m glad the post could be an encouragement to you, and I hope you are feeling less frazzled this summer!
Hope Hollinger
Thank you for your time, I’m a writer too, I know how much focus you need daily.
Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment, Hope! Writing does take so much focus. I hope you are finding time for your passion projects this summer!